A garage door is built to raise and lower with a track that glides up and down on metal rollers. When these tracks get clogged with sawdust, rust, or other debris, it can be difficult for the doors to open and close smoothly.
Lubricating the hinges and rollers may help speed up the response time. If not, a professional repair is likely needed. Contact Garage Door Repair Goodyear AZ now!

As the garage door goes up and down, panels experience a lot of stress. This stress can result in damage, so monitoring and addressing panel issues is important. Whether cosmetic or structural, damaged panels are not only an eyesore but can also cause other problems with the garage door.
Minor damage can often be fixed by a garage door repair company, especially if it’s something that can be repaired without replacing the entire panel. This might include dents, scratches, or even paint chipping. Scratches on the surface can be smoothed out with rubbing alcohol, a touch-up paint coat or stain, depending on the material your garage door is made of. Getting rid of chipping or rust on the surface is more difficult. If it’s severe, you may need to replace the entire panel or even the entire door.
Generally, the main causes of panel damage come from impact. People sometimes back into their garage doors accidentally when they aren’t checking that the door is all the way open or closed. Sports balls, kids’ toys and other things can cause impact damage as well. General wear and tear from opening and closing the door can also lead to dents, warping, cracking or a loss of structural integrity.
The type of damage you have will ultimately determine the course of action for your garage door repair. If you have minor dents and bends, a garage door repair professional can usually get them back into shape by carefully nudging the panels with a rubber mallet or block of wood. For more significant damage, it’s often a good idea to have a professional examine the situation and determine the best course of action for your home. Having one or more damaged panels doesn’t necessarily mean that the entire garage door needs to be replaced, but it’s important to address the issue right away. Ignoring the problem can lead to further damage and even pose a safety risk. Repairing a single damaged panel is typically less expensive than replacing the whole garage door and may be a more effective solution for you.
Uneven Door Movement
If your garage door moves unevenly, it is likely due to a problem with the balance or track. It may also have a warped frame or other structural issue that requires professional attention. If your garage door opener is noisy or exhibiting signs of wear and tear, it may be time to replace the main gear drive. These issues require specialized knowledge and tools to diagnose and fix.
If the garage door itself is uneven, it can cause the hinges to bind against each other when closed. This puts excessive strain on the hinge screws and can damage them over time. It can also cause the springs to have excess tension which can lead to a break or if left unchecked will cause the door to be off-balance and difficult to open.
The track needs to be properly installed to allow for even movement of the garage door. To check this, measure the distance between the tracks on each side of the garage floor. The tracks should be the same distance apart all the way up from the floor. If they are not, it is a good idea to call a service technician to inspect the garage door and track and make the necessary adjustments.
Other common causes of uneven garage door movement include a sagging door that hangs lower than it should, or the door being off-center in its frame. If left unchecked this can create a gap between the door and the frame, and over time will cause the hinges to rust and eventually break.
If the door is sagging or off-center, it is usually due to expansive soil under the house that changes shape over time. This is a common problem in newer homes, and can be fixed by using a hammer and 2×4 scrap to slightly raise the door frame. This will bring the frame back into plane with the door, and will prevent future problems. If the frame is warped due to moisture, a dehumidifier in the garage and regular checking with a level should help. The best course of action is to contact a service technician for a thorough inspection and repair, as this is a job that can be dangerous if not done correctly.
Torsion Spring Replacement
The torsion springs offset the weight of your garage door and allow it to open and close easily, whether by hand or with an automatic opener. However, the high-tension steel in these springs has a limited lifespan, and at some point, it will wear down to the point that they need to be replaced. This is an incredibly dangerous task that should only be performed by a trained professional to ensure the safety of yourself and anyone else working on the repair.
To replace a torsion spring, start by releasing the tension on the old one. You can do this by hand, but it’s usually best to use an adjustable wrench to loosen the bolts connecting the winding cones to the anchor bracket. Once the bolts are loose, use a ladder to access the anchor bracket and remove the winding bar.
Once you’re ready to replace the old spring, start by measuring its length and wire gauge. You can do this with a tape measure or, for more precision, calipers. Measure the length of the broken spring from where it starts to where it ends, then divide that number by 20 to get the wire gauge. Next, purchase the same size spring to match your broken one.
While you’re installing the new springs, take this opportunity to inspect your other components, including cable drums and tension rods. You’ll want to replace any worn or rusted parts before you have to take the entire thing apart again in the future.
When you’re ready to install the new springs, it’s important that they’re wound up evenly. To do this, hold the winding bar firmly with both hands and stand erect on the ladder with your feet away from the cones. Attempting to do this by standing on chairs or cans turned upside down could cause the springs to break.
Finally, when you’re finished securing the set screws, tighten them with a wrench. This will prevent the winding bars from accidentally falling off during a test run and damaging your garage or hurting someone. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to test the garage door to make sure everything’s installed properly.
Weather Stripping Replacement
Weather stripping seals the gap between a door or window and its frame, keeping unwanted moisture, drafts and noise out of your home. A worn or missing piece is a clear sign that it’s time to install new weather stripping. You can easily do this on your own if you have access to the appropriate materials and tools. However, you should make sure to wear proper safety gear such as a dust mask and gloves.
Before you begin, it’s a good idea to remove any existing weather stripping with your hands or a putty knife. This helps to ensure that you are starting with clean, smooth surfaces for the new stripping. Then, it’s important to determine how much weather stripping is needed. Typically, this is measured by closing your door and measuring the space along the jambs and the doortop. This will help you know how wide or long of a piece to cut the new weather stripping. You may want to measure a few times just to be sure you are accurate, especially when using a cutting tool like tin snips or a hacksaw (depending on the material type).
There are a few different types of weather stripping to choose from depending on your needs and the specific structure of your home. There are foam strips that are adhesive and can be applied to a frame, and there are metal V-strips designed to fit into precut grooves in a door or window frame. Another option is a door sweep that sits on the bottom edge of the door and can be screwed into place or installed with adhesive.
Once you have chosen the right weather stripping for your project, you can begin to install it. This process is usually quite simple, but if you are unsure of your skills, it’s recommended to call in professional assistance.
The best way to test your new weather stripping is at night once it’s dark outside. Have one person hold a flashlight while the other opens and closes the door. They can shine the light all around the frame to see if any light is coming through the gaps. If they can easily pull a dollar bill under the door, it’s time for some new weather stripping!