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Lawn Care Methods

A lush lawn is the perfect foil for colorful herbaceous borders and provides a great setting for summer picnics. A well-maintained lawn also encourages birds and other wildlife to visit.

Water is 1 to 1.5 inches a week, including rainfall. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to problems like fungus and soil compaction. Contact Lawn Care Cornelius NC now!

Keeping weeds out of the lawn is essential to maintaining a healthy turf. Weeds compete with grass for water and nutrients and steal valuable sunlight that the grass needs to thrive. If a weed problem is left untreated, it can quickly out-compete and eventually crowd out the turf.

Lawn care companies use various methods to battle weeds, including pre-emergent herbicides. These are used early in the year to prevent unwanted plants from sprouting. If you use a pre-emergent, it is important to avoid fertilizing the lawn immediately afterward, or the product will be washed away.

Regular lawn treatments are also vital to fighting weeds. Most weed control products are systemic and must be absorbed by the weed to be effective. This may take a few hours or days depending on the weed and how active it is. It is also important to wait until the lawn has completely dried after a treatment before mowing. This will ensure the weed is killed and that it doesn’t come back to life later.

Synthetic chemicals are sometimes used in weed control and can be harmful to the environment if not applied properly. They are manufactured in laboratories and don’t decompose as easily as natural chemicals found in the soil. However, there are many organic and herbicide-free weed control methods available.

Examples of these methods include pulling weeds by hand or using a handheld tool to remove them. Another option is using a hot water method that heats the weed to damage and kill it. A propane torch can be used for this purpose as well. Steaming the weeds with a steam machine is another option that works similarly to the hot water method.

Another popular weed control option is the “weed and feed” approach that combines a lawn care fertilizer with an herbicide to kill unwanted plants. Unfortunately, this technique isn’t very effective if used alone. The reason is that fertilizer replenishes the same nutrients that the weeds are competing for. In addition, the combination can result in excessive chemical use, which isn’t good for the environment.


Lawn fertilization is one of the most important aspects of lawn care. Fertilization helps grass to grow strong and dense, so that it can resist weeds, insects and other damage. It also provides a rich, beautiful green hue to your yard. A well-fertilized lawn can significantly increase the curb appeal of your Queensbury home or business.

Fertilization is an ongoing process, and the type of fertilizer used will vary by season. For example, a spring fertilizer will be higher in nitrogen to help kick-start growth and color; a summer feed will help the lawn cope with hot weather and restore its healthy color; while an autumn fertilizer will provide nutrients to prepare the turf for winter.

Liquid fertilizer is usually mixed with water before being sprayed on the grass, which makes it easier to apply and less likely to burn the grass. However, liquid fertilizers tend to be quick-release, so you will need to wait a few hours before mowing. Granular lawn fertilizer, on the other hand, is solid and looks similar to little grains of dirt. You will need a lawn spreader to apply this type of fertilizer, and it will require a bit more time before you can mow.

The type of fertilizer you use will depend on the results of a soil test. At-home soil kits will give you a general idea of what nutrients your soil needs, but sending a sample to your local county extension office will offer the most detailed and accurate results.

You should also consider using a weed-and-feed fertilizer, which combines weed control and lawn fertilization. These types of fertilizers have a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weeds, like crabgrass, from sprouting and a post-emergent herbicide to kill existing weeds.

Finally, don’t forget to mulch your flower beds. Adding a layer of mulch moderates soil temperature, retains moisture and prevents weeds from growing. A thick layer of mulch will also add to the beauty of your yard, improving your home or business’s curb appeal.


Grass grows fast, so mowing is an important part of lawn care. Keeping the grass at a consistent height promotes a healthy, dense lawn with thick shoots that are less likely to weed out or turn brown. The ideal length is three to four inches, but this can vary according to the type of grass and the climate.

A well-trained landscaper can cut your lawn efficiently, providing a professional, manicured appearance. They can also weed whack around edges and pick up clippings to avoid leaving them on sidewalks and driveways. Many homeowners and businesses appreciate having this chore taken off their to-do list.

Mowing is generally performed on a weekly basis during the peak growing season, and more often if the grass is overgrown. A lawn that is regularly mowed also benefits from other core lawn treatments, such as fertilization, overseeding and weed control.

The best time of day to mow is in the early morning, when it is cool and there is less chance for heat exhaustion. It’s also a good idea to water the lawn immediately after mowing, as this helps the grass to retain moisture.

When choosing a company to provide lawn maintenance, look for a licensed and insured landscaping contractor with experience servicing residential properties. The more years a company has been in business, the better insight they will have into local climate conditions, soil types and common lawn problems. This can help them plan effective, dependable lawn treatments throughout the year.

A landscaper should never apply pesticides to a lawn unless absolutely necessary. Pesticides can damage or kill beneficial organisms, including earthworms and nematodes that are important to the health of a lawn. They can also increase the risk of developing resistant pests. Choose a lawn maintenance company that uses targeted controls instead of broad-scale insecticide spraying.

Whether you have a small residential garden or an expansive commercial property, the right lawn services can ensure that your outdoor space is beautiful and healthy. A reputable lawn care provider offers a wide range of residential and commercial landscaping services, including mowing, trimming, edging, soil amendments, fertilization, weed control, aeration and overseeding.


Lawns are a significant investment in time and money, and they deserve to be cared for properly. Regular lawn services like weed control, fertilization, and mowing are a great start to maintain a thriving property. But lawn care doesn’t stop there – irrigation solutions are key to ensuring your property is well-hydrated and protected from potential problems.

A well-designed irrigation system ensures that every part of your lawn gets the proper amount of water it needs, when it needs it. This prevents overwatering (which causes diseases) and underwatering (which promotes weed growth and weakens grasses). An efficient sprinkler system will also help reduce water usage, further reducing your utility bills and preserving the environment.

Irrigation services are even more important in the summer, when high temperatures and evaporation increase. A professional irrigation system can adapt to seasonal conditions to provide your yard with the right amount of watering for optimum health.

Grass thrives in a damp environment, but too much moisture can be equally damaging. Overwatering flushes nutrients from soil and displaces oxygen, leaving plants vulnerable to root rot and other problems. This is why balancing irrigation with drainage is so crucial to healthy landscaping.

Another sign of overwatering is a mushy, moldy appearance or foul odor in your landscape. This means that the soil is taking in too much water, and it’s not being wicked away quickly enough. A quick fix for this issue is addressing drainage issues and adjusting your watering schedule.

In addition to lawn care, a professional landscaping company can perform many other services that will strengthen your yard and make it more attractive. Fertilization can encourage healthy growth and make your lawn more resistant to pests, while aeration helps improve soil texture so roots get the moisture they need. Landscape services can also include hardscaping, which transforms outdoor spaces by adding decks, walkways, patios, retaining walls, fire pits, waterfalls and more to create peaceful, beautiful areas for entertaining or relaxing. For more information about these services and other landscape services, contact a local lawn care professional. They’ll be able to provide you with the best options for your unique property.